TechExplorer.AI Newsletter

Tools for today. Ideas for tomorrow.


Generative Artificial Intelligence is changing the world - and if you’re reading this (as part of the small but mighty group of OG subscribers to our first newsletter) then, well… you probably already know that! 😺

So then, as my four-year-old nephew would say, in his British accent, “What’s all this?”

This… This is our first newsletter. We want to start by thanking you for subscribing and giving you some insight into what we’re all about here at TechExplorer.AI. So here’s the deal:

  1. We’re writing about what we read, listen to, use, and do when it comes to AI. And, we’re distilling that information into something on the spectrum of:

    Interesting |——o————| Useful

  2. We’re explaining concepts related to AI, and sometimes other techy things too.

  3. We’re trying new tools and sharing information about our experience with them. Sometimes we’ll also demonstrate how to use them.

  4. We’re building with AI (and learning about building with AI), and we are taking notes so that you can build and learn too.

You can see the beginnings of all of this on our site, TechExplorer.Ai. There’s a Content Library, a Tools Directory, Noteworthy Topics, and Build Notes. If there is a topic out in the wild that you are particularly interested in and want us to write about, reply to this email and tell us what’s on your mind.

The road ahead is long, but to quote every bumper sticker in the state of Alaska, “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey”. We’re honored to have you explore alongside us.



Cool Use Case

I was in London a couple weeks ago, having dinner with an old friend at a very nice little restaurant (highly recommend). In the decade-plus since I’ve lived in the UK my main restaurant-going criteria has shifted from charm and quality to “do they have a play area.” So, needless to say, my Michelin-Vocabulary-Decoder is a bit rusty. And even though the waitstaff was exceptionally knowledgeable, I wanted to see if ChatGPT could help me out. So I took a picture of the menu, gave ChatGPT a basic prompt around helping me understand what was on the menu, and hit go. Not only did it come back right away with explanations of some of the more fancily-worded dishes, it also cleverly skipped over the easy stuff (bread & butter, olives). I was so impressed, and quite delighted!

AI Spotlight

Lex Fridman Interviews OpenAI’s Sam Altman

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman (Photo credit: YouTube)

Last week on the Lex Fridman Podcast (Episode #419), Lex is joined by Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI. In this 1 hour and 55 minute podcast, Lex and Sam discuss many high impact subjects including: the drama surrounding the OpenAI Board saga, the advent of Sora, Elon Musk’s lawsuit against OpenAI, the highly anticipated release of GPT-5, the future of AGI and more.

This episode is available on and YouTube. If you don’t get around to listening, I’ve got you covered with my notes. Enjoy.

HeyGen: AI-powered Video Avatars

HeyGen is a leader in generative AI for video production, offering an AI Avatar generator, Text-to-Speech tool, and voice cloner. These features are wrapped in a user-friendly interface, enabling creators to efficiently produce high-quality content. With its advanced technology and intuitive design, HeyGen empowers users to bring their creative visions to life with ease, making it a go-to platform for video generation needs.

Also, you can tell your friends that you created an avatar of yourself that speaks 50 languages.

Guides & Explainers

Debunking AI Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

In a world increasingly influenced by technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a beacon of both innovation and, at times, misunderstanding. From overzealous sci-fi scenarios to doomsday predictions, AI myths can cloud our understanding and appreciation of this transformative technology - and it is transformative. So, let's set the record straight, separating the AI fact from fiction.

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Find us on X @tech15cool or you can follow Meytal on LinkedIn.